The Admin Transactions page enables you to view all Merchant and Member transactions and manage negative transactions and refunds. Once you have accessed the Admin portal, this information can be located by selecting the 'Transactions' item in the menu.

The Admin Transactions page will allow you to:

View Transactions

On entering the Transactions page, you will see an unfiltered list of transactions for the current month, in chronological order, with the most recent transaction highest on the list.

Each transaction can be associated to a Merchant and a Member, and each transaction will have a column to show a reference number, the date and time that the transaction was performed, a status (Cleared/Authed), a Merchant code and Merchant name, a Member number and Member name, the first 6 and last 4 digits of the Member's card number, a purchase amount, a reward amount, a reward cost (i.e. the cost that the Merchant will pay) and a Reward process status (see below for all possible statuses), finally, there is a 'View' column where you can view more information about each transaction.

Reward Process Status




A transaction has resulted in a reward given to the member.

A negative transaction has been auto-matched or manually matched to a positive transaction and a refund has been given (either manually or automatically)

A negative transaction has not been auto-matched. The transaction needs to be reviewed manually to either approve the refund or reject it.

A negative transaction has not been matched to a positive transaction (automatically or manually) and no refund will be given for the transaction.

The Member is part of multiple programs and although the transaction may have been eligible for reward, a reward has already been applied to another program.

You can search for specific transactions by entering information into the relevant fields next to the search bar and clicking 'Search'.

If you wish to search for a transaction based on the date, change the 'From date' and 'To date' using the drop-down calendars or by typing the date in DD MMM YYYY format.

To search transactions for a specific Merchant, simply enter the Merchant name and/or Merchant code into the relevant field.

To search transactions for a specific Member, enter the relevant information into 'Credit card number' and/or 'Membership Number'. Note: As full credit card numbers are not stored, only the first 6 or last 4 digits of a card should be used. To find a Member more accurately, using the last 4 digits is best.

Filters can be applied based on the Reward Process Status (definitions can be seen above).

To view more information on a specific transaction, click 'View' next to the transaction you want details on.

Here you can see extra information related to transaction Details, Dates (based on the browser timezone), the Reward, the Reward Cost, the Member, the Merchant, the Scheme Info and the Invoice Info.

A .csv file of search results can be exported by clicking 'Export' next to the search bar. The spreadsheet will show the same data as the 'Transactions' page.

Transaction Refunds

In ‘Transactions’, you are able to view refunds as well as manage them. 

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Refunds occur when a negative transaction (i.e. when a Member receives a refund from a Merchant/returns an item to the Merchant) is recorded. If auto-matching is turned on, a negative transaction can be matched to an existing positive transaction. Refunds can also be handled manually, and in cases where auto-matching cannot find a match, must be handled manually. For more information on auto-matching, visit the FAQ page.

You can find refunds and transactions that can be refunded manually by looking in the ‘Reward process status’ column on the ‘Transactions’ page.

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There are four statuses relevant to refunds.




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A transaction has resulted in a reward given to the member.


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A negative transaction has been auto-matched or manually matched to a positive transaction and a refund has been given (either manually or automatically)


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A negative transaction has not been auto-matched. The transaction needs to be reviewed manually to either approve the refund or reject it.

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A negative transaction has not been matched to a positive transaction (automatically or manually) and no refund will be given for the transaction.


If you want to manually process a refund, click on ‘View’ next to the ‘Reward Process Status’ column for a given transaction.

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You will then see the transaction details pop-up.

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By clicking ‘Review transaction’ you will be able to manually match the transaction, or you can resolve the transaction without matching the transaction. Note that a negative transaction can only be matched if it is of equal or less value than a positive transaction made by the same Member (not necessarily the same card) with the same Merchant. The refund transaction must occur after the positive transaction. Multiple negative transactions/refunds can be matched with the same positive transaction unless the sum of the negative transactions/refunds exceeds the value of the positive transaction.

Refunds Example Scenarios


A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $50 refund the next day, the transaction can be matched.

A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $30 refund (i.e. a value smaller than the initial spend) the next day, the transaction can be matched.

A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $60 refund (i.e. a value greater than the initial spend) the next day, the transaction cannot be matched.

Multiple refunds

A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $40 refund the next day, the transaction can be matched. The Member received a $10 refund the day after; this transaction can also be matched because the sum of the refunds does not exceed the initial amount (i.e. 40+10=50)

A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $40 refund the next day, the transaction can be matched. The Member received a $5 refund the day after; this transaction can also be matched because the sum of the refunds does not exceed the initial amount (i.e. 40+5 < 50)

A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $40 refund the next day, the transaction can be matched. The Member received a $15 refund the day after; this new transaction cannot be matched because the sum of the refunds does not exceed the initial amount (i.e. 40+15 > 50)


A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $50 refund the next day, the transaction can be matched.

A transaction shows that a Member spent $50 with a Merchant one day, and received a $50 refund the day before, the transaction cannot be matched as the negative transaction must occur after the positive transaction.

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A refund/negative transaction will always need review if it could be matched to more than one positive transactions. In the screenshot below, a $5 refund could be a partial refund of the first transaction or a full refund of the second.

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To match a transaction, click ‘Match this one’ on the line item that you would like to match. This will change the transaction status to ‘Refund Given’ and trigger a refund (i.e. the transaction will not be charged to the merchant).

You can also click ‘Resolve without matching’. This will change the transaction status to ‘No offer matched’ and no refund will be given (i.e. the Merchant will be invoiced for all positive transactions).

Refunds can be reviewed by clicking ‘View’ on any negative transaction.

On the popup, you can click ‘Review transaction’.

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Here you can view the details of the transaction and matched transaction, and by clicking ‘Unmatch this one’, you can unmatch the negative transaction from the positive transaction.

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To resolve a transaction without a refund, click on ‘Unresolve and review’ to review and change the status of the negative transaction.

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Click ‘Confirm’.

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You can now choose to match or resolve without matching.

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From the 'Review Transaction' screen, you can also review offer details if necessary. To do this, just click the relevant Offer ID. This can assist in choosing a correct match for an offer.

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You will then be presented with the offer details popup.

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How do refunds work?

Can a refund be applied if a transaction has already been invoiced?

Auth without Cleared

Cases where Auth without cleared can be seen

An Auth transaction is a real time transaction validation. A Cleared transaction is a transaction that is validated and cleared. The cleared transaction typically arrives within 2-5 business days.

In the instance where a transaction has not received a cleared within 7 days investigation is required.

There are two core reasons why a cleared may not be received:

  1. The transaction is a pre-Auth transaction. A pre-Auth transaction is often performed when a card is being used for the first time and the Merchant wants to validate that the information provided is accurate and not fraudulent. It occurs at the time of the initial purchase but is reversed and never proceeds to cleared.
  2. The Merchant has a separate MID for auth and cleared transactions. Although uncommon, it is possible that a Merchant uses one MID for Auth transactions and a different MID for Cleared transactions. If this case is suspected, a ticket should be raised with Loyalty Now to find and register the missing MID.

In both cases there is a risk that the Member will see their transaction and associated reward, however as a transaction is only ever invoiced and paid to the Member based on a cleared transaction, the Member will never receive their reward.

This functionality enables proactive management and monitoring to ensure Members are given their rewards as expected.

Functionality and Recommended Use

‘Auth without cleared’ transactions can be viewed in the Admin Portal on the ‘Transactions’ page.

To find ‘Auth without Cleared’ transactions select ‘Filters’.

Then select ‘Auth without Cleared’.

For the start date, choose how far back you would like to search. It is recommended to set the end date seven days before today’s date so that the transaction has time to move from ‘Auth’ to ‘Cleared’ as expected.

After clicking ‘Search’, the results will be displayed.

Any transactions identified can then be escalated and investigated if required.

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