The Offers menu item will provide you with an overview of your current and past Offers and Campaigns. To access your Offers, just select the 'Offers' item in the drop down menu.

The Merchant Offers page will allow you to:

View and manage Offers

When you enter the Merchant Offers page, you will be able to see all of your wonderful Offers and Campaigns, regardless of their type. The types of offers available via the platform are:

Campaign Offers are created by the Program Operator for Merchants for a specific event; for example, a Christmas Offer or a Halloween Offer. After the Program Operator creates the Offer, you, the Merchant will be sent an invitation. If you want to be a part of the Campaign, you can accept, or if the Offer is not quite right for you, you can reject the invitation. 
Merchant Offers are custom Offers created by you, the Merchant, and suggested to the Program Operator. Creating a Merchant Offer is a great way participate in the program. The Offer must be approved by the Program Operator to become active.
A Program Offer is a no-hassle Offer created by the Program Operator. The terms of this Offer are agreed to outside of the platform. This can be seen as the 'default' Offer and is used when no other Merchant Offers or Campaign Offers are active.

You will see key information about all Offers, such as the Offer ID, the Offer title, the start and end dates of each offer, the type of Offer, and the state of the Offer.

Here is a summary of the Offer states:

Logo, company name 
Description automatically generatedYou are participating in the Offer now - visible to Member
Description automatically generated with low confidenceThe Program Operator has invited you to participate in an Offer or Campaign. You still need to accept or reject the invitation
A picture containing graphical user interface 
Description automatically generatedYou have requested an Offer via the Program Operator who has not yet approved or rejected this Offer
You have begun creating an Offer but have not yet submitted it to the Program Operator
Description automatically generated with low confidenceYou have requested an Offer via the Program Administrator, but the Program Operator has rejected the Offer
A picture containing logo 
Description automatically generatedYou participated in an Offer which lasted its whole duration
An Offer was ended early. This can happen if the Offer budget is exceeded.
Description automatically generated with medium confidenceAn Offer was removed by the Program Operator

Do you remember an Offer from the past which brought in a lot of new customers and want to review the details? You are able to search for specific Offers (past and current) using the search bar at the top of the screen!

You can type the name or the ID of the Offer into the search bar to find it. You can also use filters to set parameters for your search (e.g. if you want to search for Merchant Offers only). Just click 'Filters'.

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You can filter for 'Type' and 'State'. So, for example, if you only want to see 'Merchant' Offers that have 'Finished', tick the appropriate boxes.

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You can also sort your search based on the start date, end date and finances related to the offer.

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Click the magnifying glass to complete your search and view the results.

View an Offer

For further Offer details, you can click the three dots next to the Offer and select View, or simply click the title of the Offer. 

Then you will be shown additional offer information such as the valid Offer days, time and visit type, as well as a brief Offer description. You can do this with Offers of any status (i.e. Finished Offers, Active Offers etc.)

Accept an invite to a Campaign

For 'Invited' offers, once you enter the view page, you can accept or reject this Offer.


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After accepting the offer, your invite response will be updated, and the Offer will be displayed to program Members.

Edit an Offer

Have you already already requested an Offer from the Program Operator but have since had a great idea to improve that offer? For 'approval requested' Offers (i.e. you, the Merchant, have created an offer and are awaiting approval from the Program Operator) or Offers in the state of 'Editing' (i.e. you began creating on Offer, but have not submitted it to the Program Operator), when you click on the title or the three dots next to the status, you can edit the Offer. 

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You can change information such as the title, the description, dates etc. Click 'Save' when you are finished. 

Please not that as soon as the Program Operator accepts or rejects the Offer, you can no longer edit it, and you will only be able to view it.

Add Offers

Having a slow Tuesday afternoon and want a convenient, easy-to-use way to increase your sales? Just use the ‘Create Merchant Offer’ function to create a customised Offer for Members. 

You are able to include an Offer title, specific to your store.


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Set the start and end dates for your Offer either through the use of the calendar function or by typing the date into the field directly using d mmm yyyy format (i.e. 1 Dec 2020).

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You can also include an Offer image to grab Members' attention. This can be a logo, a photo of a product, whatever you want!

Be sure to include a brief description of your Offer's details in the Offer text field.

Reward Provisioning

There are currently two reward types. You can utilise either a percentage reward or fixed dollar reward. The percentage reward allows you to set a percentage of each purchase that will be rewarded to the Member. Graphical user interface, application

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The fixed dollar reward allows you to encourage customers to make larger purchases by setting a minimum spend (i.e. $15 reward for any spend over $100). Use the dropdown box to choose the type of reward and type in the percentage or fixed dollar amount, (and optionally, the minimum and maximum spend) that you wish to reward.

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You can apply several restrictions to your Offer. First, you can choose to have the Offer apply all day by ticking the 'Apply Reward All Day' box, or if you want to boost sales at a specific time of the day, you can choose specific times for when the Offer will apply! Simply choose the start and end times for when your offer would apply.

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Next, you can choose which days you want the Offer to apply. The default setting is for an Offer to apply every day, in which case all the boxes are ticked. 

Again, this tool can be used to encourage sales on specific days! If you want, for example, to use the Offer attract more business on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, just tick those boxes.

Finally, you can choose which visit your Offer applies to. If you tick the 'All visits' box, every time a Member makes a purchase at your store they will be participating in the Offer and receive rewards. 

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Do you want to bring in more new customers to your business? You may only want to select the 'First' visit option, meaning the Offer only applies to a Member making their first purchase from you but not to any subsequent purchases from the same Member. 

If you want to keep customers coming back, you may want to select the 'Second' or 'Third' visit option, which means that an offer would not apply to a Member’s first purchase from your business but only to their second (or third depending on the option you have chosen). 

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Please note that First Visit means the first time ever that a customer has made a purchase from you as a Member, NOT the first time the Member has made a purchase since the beginning of the Offer. Likewise, the Second Visit means the second purchase ever from you as a Member, not the second purchase in the life of the Offer.


The Offer budget allows you to determine the value you are willing to spend on this specific Offer. For example, you may be willing to set aside $5,000 to go towards the Offer. If 100 different Members each make a purchase, and their total reward value PLUS the program fees have reached the limit of $5,000, then the Offer will automatically switch off at the end of that business day. You will also be notified when an Offer is getting close to your budget. Just type the maximum amount of money you wish to spend on the Offer in the Budget field. If you don’t wish to set a budget, just leave the field blank.


Once you are happy with your Offer select ‘Request approval’ at the top of the page, and your Offer will be sent to the Program Operator for review before it is active. 

If your Offer isn’t quite right just yet select ‘Save’ (next to the ‘Request approval’ option) and your Offer will be given a state of 'Editing' and you can edit it later.

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What is the difference between Percentage and Fixed Dollar reward types?

Why is the offer I created in ‘Editing Offers’?

Why is ‘Pay on visit’ important?

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