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Member FAQ's
What happens after I join?
What happens if I have more than one Visa, Mastercard or Eftpos card?
Why can't I register any credit, debit or pre-paid cards other than a Visa, Mastercard or Eftpos card?
Why do I need to register a Visa, Mastercard or Eftpos card with the program if the program has no joining fees?
What does the transaction status indicate?
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Merchant FAQ's
Why do I have to request an update?
Why does the offer I created have the state ‘Editing’?
What is the difference between Percentage and Fixed Dollar reward types?
Why is ‘Restrictions-Visit’ important when creating Offers?
What does the transaction status indicate?
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Admin FAQ's
How do I change the status of a ‘Signed up’ member to ‘Verified’?
A member is unable to access their verification email, can this email be resent?
What is the Merchant code?
What is the merchant CAID/MID?
What is the scheme location?
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Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk